In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD
Tips for Effective Quran Study

- It is mandatory to seek refuge in God before beginning (16:98, 23:97-98)
- Quran is our means to salvation so study it whenever possible (9:122). Reading at night and reciting at dawn is mandatory (17:78, 73:20).
- Avoid distraction—find a quiet time and place; try to turn a spot in your home into a sanctuary (3:37, 3:39, 10:87)
- Take time to study carefully, reflect and understand and do not rush the information (20:114, 4:82, 47:24, 16:44)
- Take breaks and rest to refresh your mind (28:73, 18:60)
- Reflect on what you read — one suggestion is to write a personal Quranic journal, understanding how you apply the Quran's rules to your life (5:44, 3:7, 23:68, 38:29, 59:21, 68:1, 96:3-5)
- Highlight the points where you have problems understanding — share and discuss with other submitters (18:28, 42:38).
- When you are stuck, implore God for His guidance, be patient and move on — the answer will become obvious as you go along (5:101, 7:204, 19:76, 20:114).
Thoughts shared by brother Kamal, Kenya
Happiness is Submission to God