In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

The number entered below contains: Verse numbers & Sum of Verse numbers, justified to the left

Note: The effect of Left Justification is achieved by appending 0's to shorter numbers until they match the length of the longest number.
For example, if we add (left-justified) "1", "25" and "372": we take "1" and "25" & append 0s to it, giving us "1 00" & "25 0" (to match the length of "372" which is three digits long); Then we add "100", "250" & "372".
You can test the software accuracy by entering your own numbers in the box below (please separate them by a space, comma or plus (+) sign

OperationResultDividing by 19
Sum of numbers:14074387548055923132 2143660433873761280 5474242219035163042 7301695725750144234 3681224407572536594 2969338480181242025 1447155347013569578 2003319246033141944 0936634118085221457 2274466378636063531 8068198378558738919 0992794596447188931 3303283496509522536 1315420583433550038 5126127196665864104 9057065073081870959 9669739809879950020 0901602303003704405 1058065072079086093 1001071141211281351 4214915613395300901 5021027033039045051 0570416508959009059 1089926674074474875 2756760764768772776 7807847887927968008 0460660961261561862 7626418420422424426 4284304324344364384 4044244444644845045 2454487009230231232 2332342352362372382 3924024124224324424 5246247248249250251 2522532542552562572 5825926026126226326 4265266267268269270 2712722732742752762 7727827928028128228 328428528641041(19 x 740757239371364 3753797034759677566 3831867065379949219 1075121141880302639 1702299011810924870 3470682596762114802 2118497218702474398 3988526490486633323 2602154559690425537 9714330235072559792 8174635168335713617 8378473304978760378 3648068593868237343 2913753443188601765 7915006638273508729 6897318792898583256 3663140512621572628 9484257979068579142 3371108319214319951 8996368477428484804 2816537627137547121 1000790580370159949 7395293179816261000 4767952101403898656 5723829303198145724 8829884623573048840 4214761087419013766 4138296127285285390 7592857068648649703 3886528644444454991 8444866025632064749 0122228018018545388 0201259159164432859 1802381381434118381 5921711712239081713 8196096101369796117 1750750803487750961 5405405932775407513 3033038306733054112 012017285712033739)
Number of Digits in Sum:757 

More information on the Mathematical Miracle of Quran is in Appendix 1

International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who Submit to God Alone and advocate the worship of God Alone
Praise Be To God, Lord of the Universe