Most people, no matter what you do, will not believe. (12:103) Most of those who believe, do not do so without falling into idol worship. (12:106) Say, “To whom belongs the whole earth and everyone in it, if you know?” They would say, “To God.” Say, “Why then do you not take heed” Say, “Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, the Lord with the great dominion?” They would say, “God.” Say, “Why then do you not observe righteousness?” Say, “In whose hand is the dominion encompassing all things; the One who possesses power to help, while none possesses any power against Him, if you know?” They would say, “God.” Say, “Where did you go wrong?” (23:84-90) If you ask them, “Who created the heavens and the earth, and committed the sun and the moon to work?” they would say, “God.” Where then did they go wrong? (29:61) If you ask them, “Who sends down from the sky water to receive dead land?” they would say, “God.” Say, “Praise God, but most of them do not know.” (29:63)
There are only two possible alternatives in response to the above divine statements: (1) to assume that we are just fine and need not do anything. That the majority of believers have fallen into idol worship and are heading for certain Hell is plainly obvious. The majority of Jews follow that man-made Talmud instead of God’s
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