Masjid Tucson Activities
Soup Kitchen
We participate in an ongoing project to help feed the hungry in
our town in cooperation with Casas Adobes congregational church
and Temple Emmanuel synagogue. This project has started over two
years ago with soup kitchens every other month. However, since May
1997, we were able to do a soup kitchen every month because of the
increased interest and contributions from the community by God’s
grace. Now, we are going one step further. Starting this month,
we will be able to feed the poor twice a month. May God accept our
Up until this year, we have been using the kitchen facilities of
the Salvation Army. However, in January 1998, the city closed the
place, not wanting homeless people in the central part of the city.
Therefore, we have contacted Casa Maria, a Catholic run kitchen
facility in south of Tucson, to see if we can use their facility
for feeding the poor. Since February 1998, we are able to use Casa
Maria’s facilities.
With Salvation Army, we used to be able to feed 200-300 people.
Now with the bigger facilities of Casa Maria, we are able to feed
600-1000 homeless and poor people in town. Again as mentioned earlier,
we will be able to hold the soup kitchen twice a month starting
this month. Thank God
The soup kitchen is run by volunteers from the three communities.
These volunteers get together during every other weekend of each
month. They buy all the necessary food for the soup kitchen. They
prepare, cook and distribute the food the next day at the Casa Maria’s
kitchen facility. The last soup kitchen participation was on April
11. Hot meals and sandwiches were served to about 800 needy people.
The next soup kitchen services will be on May 12th and 24th.
Interfaith Study Group
An interfaith scripture study group has been on going at the ICS
Mosque since October 1997. The group started meeting at 7:30 p.m.
on the first Tuesday of every other month. However, because of the
success of earlier meetings, the participants have decided to meet
more often. Therefore, the group now meets every month. So far these
scripture studies have been very fruitful and lively. Discussions
in these studies have generally been on the root texts of each of
the faiths assembled: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The audio-taping
of these studies can be provided if there is interest for it
Soup kitchen and interfaith scripture group activities are coordinated
by Senobar Tafazoli.
Young Enlightened Submitters
There are reading materials available for our Young Enlightened
Submitters on the internet. If you have access to internet, you
can get to these materials at
Your comments, suggestions, and contributions for Y.E.S. are appreciated.
1998 Annual Conference
September 4-6, 1998
Seattle, Washington
God willing, we are planning to hold this year’s
United Submitters International Conference in Seattle, Washington.
The dates of this conference are set for September 4-6, 1998.
Please mark your calendar and start making your plans
to attend the conference. Remember that this is a great opportunity
to be with Submitters from all around the world.
Look for more details in the coming issues of the
Submitters Perspective.